
SDA rock bolt can replace full-length bond rock bolt and offers better effect

One open pit of iron mine had always been downward creep deformation. The upper landslide body was backfilled and sandy gravel layer of 24m thickness. While the lower was iron ore and gneiss of 56m thickness. The original design of the upper landslide body used 2m full-length bond anchor bolt and C20 shotcrete reinforcement. In the course of drilling holes by the full-length bond anchor bolt, it appeared holes shrinkage and holes collapse. After drilling, it’s hard to install and grout, which caused that it was impossible to construct. Afterwards, SDA rock bolt system is designed to replace full-length bond rock bolt. The landslide body was effectively anchored and got obvious effect.

With 5 years of experience in the construction materials industry, the hollow anchor bolt manufacturer Sinorock knows more about solving any problems you may face. From our delivery drivers to our sales reps to our office staff, we’ll provide extensive support to help build and maintain your reputation for expert workmanship and reliability. The production of Sinorock SDA rock bolt has increased progressively to cover the national markets due to the competitiveness level reached by our company after both the metal treatment technology innovation and the experience made in the field during these past years.

